Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just another wonderful day

Today’s Shake:
Snicker doddle !!! This is another one I love.

The shake:
Two scoops of the bodybyvi shake mix (2 points if you are on Weight Watchers points plus)
8 oz. water (you can also use skim, soy, or almond milk)
Some vanilla extract
Cinnamon (I use a good bit but I am a cinnamon freak. You may want to use just a dash or two)
Honey (I put in last over top the ice before blending or else it sinks to bottom and sticks)
1 packet  Truvia (optional, I use because I have an extreme sweet tooth)

I add everything but honey and ice to blender and blend for a few seconds to get it mixed well. Then add ice followed by honey. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Don’t forget if you use this as a meal replacement you need to have two to three healthy snacks a day and a healthy meal. Don’t starve yourself! Weight loss will come when you put in the effort but do it the healthy way!

33 pounds lost
Still insulin free

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Road Taken To Often

Diabetes is a rough road travel. But it is a road I put myself on and now it’s time to take control. For years my sugar has been controlling me. I’m tired of it. This is the year I get my health back on track.
I will do this, one pound at a time. One healthy habit at a time. One positive thing at a time.
What I have done up to now:
·         I started Weight Watchers and lost 30 pounds. I have many more pounds to go.
·         I have taken all my meds on time and every day. (In the past I hardly ever took my meds as I was suppose to) *I am now off my insulin shots*
·         I eat 2 apples a day. I have discovered I love love love apples. Granny Smith apples rock!
·         Most times I make healthy food choices.
·         I have weeded the negative people out of my life.
·         I learned to accept myself and my flaws (this was the hardest)

What I am beginning to do and plan to do this year:
·         I will focus on nutrition. I am doing this by way of BodyByVi and educating myself.
·         No more obsessing over the number on the scales.
·         This week I am going to slowly add exercise to my daily life.
·         My mental health is just as important as my physical health I am going to take steps to bring some sanity to my life.
·         I am going to try new things. Maybe face a fear or two.
There will be times when I slip. I am okay with that. It is what I do after those bad moments that will define me. Continue my healthy path or give up?
Ready to take charge of your health? Here are some links.
My BodyByVi Site

Weight Watchers

Monday, February 27, 2012

Insert title here - because I can't' think of one

Yes I am a big fan of Weight Watchers and BodyByVi.
Do I wish everyone was on these two programs? Yes I do. But everyones journey is different.
If you are overweight and want to change that, DO SOMETHING!
What works for me might not be what you want.
Just please try to do something to change your health for the better.

If you are out and about on the web and see a plan you want to try. Research it, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR, and ask yourself if you are ready to commit to a change in lifestyle. Yes a change in lifestyle. There are no miracle weightloss plans (people may claim it but The key is to pick a plan you can live with.

Don't be afraid of change and the work you have to put into it. No one can lose the weight for you.
I have been on plans in the past that many people flourished on, they lost weight, kept it off and improved their life. Why did those plans not work for me? I was not ready to change my life. Plain and simple. It was easier to sit on my ass and let my health decline. People my A1C was and 11 !!! That is HIGH. I was killing myself. I hurt all the time, getting out of bed tired me out, I went through my day miserable and hating myself.

One day my mom said lets try this Weight Watchers points plus plan. I said sure with no intention of trying. But I read the plan...hmmm. Sounded easy enough. What could it hurt if I tried? I promised myslef to try it for 24 hours. I could commit to one day. That one day went to one week which went to one month. You get the picture. Three months into my new lifestyle my A1C was 6.6 !!! WooHoooooo !!!

It is not easy. I still make bad food choices. I avoid exercise at all cost (I am working on changing that). I do on occasion gain a few pounds back before I get control again. Some days are a breeze some days I struggle and have to take it minute by minute. Sometimes I win the battle sometimes I lose. But I NEVER give up!

There are a few things I do that I feel add to any plan.
 1) I look at success stories to inspire.
 2) Podcast (Reasonable Diet/Six Minutes of Sanity is the best! Sandra Ahten rocks!)
 3) Keep a sense of humor. It will help you get through the dark moments.
 4) Read. Write. Some sort of hobby you can turn to calm the mind.
 5) Make a lists of rewards/bucket list. Read it when you need a kick in the tush.

The journey of a thousand miles may begin with the one step but the journey to a new you begins with putting the fork down.

I was thinking should I end all my posts with "Put down the fork and get off your ass" ? Too much? What do you think? Please share your thoughts.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yummy for the Tummy

Last nights BodyByVi shake was: Pina Coloda!
Ok... this is the best so far. I have loved all the other flavors I've tried but this one made me feel like I was cheating on my weightloss journey!

The Shake:
Two scoops of the BodyByVi shake mix (2 points if you are on WW points plus)
8 oz of almond milk (add a little water if you want)
Fresh pineapple - I used two handfuls
Small Spoonful of jello pudding coconut powder (optional)
Coconut extract
1 packet of Truvia (totally optional, I like my shakes on the sweeter side)

I find that the shake blends better and easier if you add everything but the ice, blend a few seconds that add the ice.Blend until ice is well crushed. Enjoy this sinful tasting meal!

Also, still insulin free. Don't worry I check my sugar levels often. *I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  I AM NOT RECOMMENDING YOU DRINK THE SHAKES AND STOP TAKING YOUR INSULIN OR ANY OF YOUR MEDS* I am working closely with my doctor and as always I respect her opinions and follow her advice.

No major changes in my weight at this time but my clothes are much getting a little too big! Woohoo !!!

Yes I am a big fan of Weight Watchers and BodyByVi. Do I wish everyone was on these two programs? Yes I do. But everyones journey is different. If you are overweight and want to change that, DO SOMETHING! What works for me might not be what you want. Just please try to do something to change your health for the better.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Life's Ups and Downs

The last few days have been a crazy ride. I've have acheived a most happy accomplishment and received the saddest news.

First the happy: I have been off my insulin for four days now and my sugar levels have been great. Staying between 95 and 130. Being able to stop having to give myself insulin shots has been a goal I never dreamed I would meet so darn soon! I am so happy and proud of myself.
I worked hard. Weight Watchers helped me get so far and the BodyByVi Challenge helped the rest of the way. Feeling this good at this weight???? How crazy is that?
I can't imagine how good I will feel when I reach my goal weight. 

Now comes the heartbreak. My daughter, Rachel miscarried yesterday.  My first grand baby is gone. Thankfully Rachel is okay, well at least she is physically. She is heartbroken but she is strong. It is so difficult to see your child go through something so awful and not be able to ease their pain or make it all better.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The next step

Ok...WW got me started and gave me the tools for my weightloss journey. I still have a ways to go before reaching my goal weight.
Now I'm focusing on my nutritional short comings. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of BodyByVi and the 90 day challenge. I'm not going to lie I thought to myself, "How can a shake help me? I've tried every shake out there and they did nothing for me, except put weight on me."
Some family started selling BodyByVi and I though. what the hell. I give it a try for a month or two and help my family out in the process.

Got my kit last Thursady. The shake powder is designed so you can make it any flavor you want. (almond joy rocks by the way). It is not gritty (big plus for me). You can customize the plan to fit your needs and it goes with my WW perfectly.

I was shocked by how much I liked the shakes. But I was more shocked by a positive side effect of getting great nutrition. My skin. Those who know me can back me up. My skin has always been beef jerky dry. Every lotion and skin trick known to man (and woman) I have tried. But with skin as dry as mine lotion could not even soak in to even try to help.

Day 3 on my challenge I noticed my skin felt different. It was soft and felt sooo good. Honestly I did not know skin could feel this good, I never knew any different. I'm not going to lie... i can't quit rubbing my arms and hands because they feel so good. Hubby is getting jealous. haha.

Any way... I'm not trying to get you to buy. I'm just telling you my experience. You can go check the website out for yourself. If you give it a try you wont regret it. If you decide its not for you thats okay too. You are on your own weightloss journey.